Fakta om hamstrar: En grundlig översikt

10 september 2023


Hamsters are small, adorable rodents that have become popular pets all around the world. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the various aspects of hamster facts, ranging from their types and popularity to quantitative measurements and differences between them. Additionally, we will explore the historical advantages and disadvantages associated with hamsters as pets. So, let’s get started with exploring the wonderful world of hamsters.

Vad är fakta om hamstrar?


Hamsters, scientifically known as Cricetinae, are a subfamily of rodents belonging to the family Cricetidae. They are native to parts of Europe and Asia and are primarily nocturnal animals. Hamsters have been domesticated and kept as pets for decades due to their small size, low maintenance, and entertaining nature. There are several types of hamsters commonly found as pets, each with its own unique characteristics and popularity.

Typer av hamstrar och deras popularitet

1. Guldhamster (Mesocricetus auratus):

The Syrian hamster, or the golden hamster, is the most popular type of hamster kept as a pet. They are known for their golden fur, which gives them their name. Syrian hamsters are solitary and should be kept individually. They are larger in size compared to other hamster breeds and come in various coat variations, such as long-haired and short-haired.

2. Dvärgvädur (Phodopus spp.):

Dwarf hamsters are smaller in size and are further categorized into Campbell’s dwarf hamster, Winter White dwarf hamster, and Roborovski dwarf hamster. These hamsters are social animals and can be kept in pairs or small groups. They are known for their agility and high energy levels. Campbell’s dwarf hamster and Winter White dwarf hamster are more commonly kept as pets.

3. Kinesisk dvärghamster (Cricetulus griseus):

The Chinese dwarf hamster is another popular choice for pet owners. They are smaller than Syrian hamsters but larger than dwarf hamsters. Chinese hamsters are naturally more active during the day, making them suitable for those who prefer to interact with their pets during daytime hours. They are solitary animals and should be housed alone.

4. Roborovski dvärghamster (Phodopus roborovskii):

Roborovski dwarf hamsters are the tiniest of all hamster breeds and are renowned for their incredible speed and agility. These hamsters are highly active and require spacious enclosures to accommodate their energetic nature. Due to their small size and fast movements, Roborovski dwarf hamsters are more suitable as pets for experienced hamster owners.

Kvantitativa mätningar om fakta om hamstrar

1. Genomsnittlig livslängd:

Hamsters have relatively short lifespans compared to other pets. On average, they live for two to three years. However, with excellent care and a well-balanced diet, some hamsters may live up to four years.

2. Storlek och vikt:

Syrian hamsters are the largest among the hamster breeds, typically reaching a size of 5 to 7 inches (13 to 18 cm) in length. Dwarf hamsters are smaller and measure around 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 cm) in length. In terms of weight, Syrian hamsters usually weigh between 4 to 7 ounces (120 to 200 grams), while dwarf hamsters weigh between 1 to 3 ounces (30 to 85 grams).

3. Graviditet och kullens storlek:

Female hamsters have a gestation period of around 16 to 18 days. Syrian hamsters tend to have larger litters, with an average of 6 to 12 babies per litter, while dwarf hamsters have smaller litters, usually consisting of 4 to 6 babies.

4. Aktivitetsnivå:

Hamsters are primarily nocturnal creatures, which means they are most active during the night. However, they do have bursts of activity during the day as well. Syrian hamsters are generally calmer and more inclined to nap during the day, while dwarf hamsters, especially Roborovski dwarf hamsters, are known for their high energy levels and constant movement.

Skillnader mellan olika fakta om hamstrar

1. Behov av socialt sällskap:

Syrian hamsters are solitary animals and prefer to live alone, while dwarf hamsters are more social and can be kept in pairs or small groups. It is essential to understand the specific social needs of the chosen hamster breed to ensure their well-being.

2. Pälsvariationer och färger:

Hamsters display a range of coat variations and colors, which vary among different breeds. Syrian hamsters have the most diverse color options, including golden, black, and cream, as well as long-haired and short-haired varieties. Dwarf hamsters also exhibit various coat colors, such as gray, white, and brown, but their patterns and variations are generally more limited compared to Syrian hamsters.

Historiska fördelar och nackdelar med fakta om hamstrar

1. Fördelar:

Hamsters have been kept as pets for many years due to their numerous advantages. They are relatively low maintenance, making them suitable for people with busy lifestyles. Hamsters do not require much space and can be easily housed in cages or enclosures. They are also typically inexpensive to care for in terms of food and supplies. Additionally, hamsters provide entertainment and companionship, especially for children and individuals seeking a small pet.

2. Nackdelar:

While hamsters make great pets, there are some potential downsides to consider. Hamsters have a shorter lifespan compared to other pets, which can be emotionally challenging for some owners. Additionally, they have specific dietary and habitat requirements that need to be met for their overall well-being. Hamsters are also prone to health issues such as dental problems and obesity, requiring regular veterinary care. Another consideration is that hamsters are nocturnal, meaning they may not be active or interactive during the daytime when owners are most likely awake.


In conclusion, hamsters are fascinating creatures that offer companionship and entertainment for individuals of all ages. Understanding the different types of hamsters, their specific needs, and the advantages and disadvantages they bring as pets is crucial for providing them with a suitable environment and proper care. By immersing ourselves in the world of hamsters and appreciating their uniqueness, we can create fulfilling and enriching experiences with these adorable rodents.

: En kort videoklipp som visar olika hamsterarter och deras beteende skulle vara en lämplig plats att infoga videon.]

Disclaimer: Video content is for illustrative purposes only and may not represent the exact behaviors or characteristics of all hamsters. It is essential to conduct thorough research and consult with hamster experts or veterinarians for personalized pet care advice.


Hur länge lever en hamster generellt sett?

En hamster har en genomsnittlig livslängd på cirka 2 till 3 år. Vissa hamstrar kan dock leva upp till 4 år med rätt vård och näring.

Kan jag hålla flera hamstrar tillsammans i samma bur?

Det beror på vilken typ av hamster du har. Guldhamstrar är ensamma djur och bör hållas separat för att undvika aggressivitet. Dvärgvädurar däremot är sociala djur och kan hållas i par eller små grupper, men introduktionen bör göras noggrant för att undvika konflikter.

Vad är de vanligaste typerna av hamstrar som hålls som husdjur?

De vanligaste typerna av hamstrar som hålls som husdjur är guldhamstrar (även kända som syriska hamstrar) och dvärghamstrar, såsom Campbells dvärghamster och vintersvit dvärghamster.

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